Brick Oven vs. Conventional Oven


Relax indoors and out with a brick oven or fireplace combo from Round Grove Products in Dalton, Ohio. 

Brick ovens are beautiful additions to the home, but what if you already have a conventional oven? Is it really worth it to purchase another oven when your traditional oven is in good condition? Here's what you should consider: 

Brick Ovens are Durable 

Our brick ovens are made of fireproof masonry materials and wool insulation for the best cooking protection. When cared for properly, the average brick oven should last a similar duration to that of the conventional oven: 15-20 years. Considering brick ovens can be placed outdoors, while conventional ovens are typically indoors, this is an amazing feat! Brick ovens are exposed to weather conditions that a typical oven is not built to withstand. 

Brick Ovens are Customizable

Brick ovens from Round Grove are more than brick ovens. They are whatever you want them to be! Whether you'd like a mini product, an extra-large oven, or a combination oven and fireplace unit, we know you will love the finished result. And, you have the freedom to choose the materials, roofing options, and more.

Brick Ovens Provide A Different Cooking Experience 

Lastly, brick ovens are able to reach higher temperatures. This means that your cooking time will be faster, and the taste of the food (whether it be pizza, steak kabobs, or cinnamon rolls) will differ. Longer cooking tends to lead to dryer results, while faster cooking leaves your food crispier.

Are you ready to invest in your dream pizza oven? Look no further than Round Grove Products, and we'll make your dreams come true! Visit our website to get in touch or call us today at 330-621-3657. 


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