The Best Foods For Your Outdoor Brick Oven


When sitting at your outdoor fireplace and oven combo this Summer, you'll bask in the warmth during the temperate Summer night. All of a sudden, though, your stomach rumbles and you realize that you're starving! Since you already have a fire going, why not make something in your oven! These are Round Grove's top picks for cooking with your backyard pizza oven!


This choice is obvious, but why stray from a classic? Your outdoor brick oven is fully capable of cooking the finest, wood-fired pizza's! The wood burning below adds a subtle, wood fired taste to the crispy crust, providing a unique taste that you won't find in many normal pizza shops! To really spice up your pizza, add a variety of meats and vegetables. These will take on the same slow-cooked, wood-fired taste that is the staple of backyard ovens.


If you're an avid griller, then you will love wood-fired steaks in your outdoor brick oven! Rib-eyes and T-bones will slowly cook, basking in their wood fired pit. Depending on the type of wood you use, you can even enhance the flavor of the steak as the meat slowly takes on and adds this type of flavor! Your seasoning will slowly seep into the meat and the aroma from your oven will leave you and your guests salivating!

Roasted Vegetables

In the Summer, you're going to have an array of vegetables available at the supermarket, and if you're a grower, what better way than to enjoy your own vegies than cook them yourself! These cooked vegies are a healthy option great for snacking next to your outdoor fireplace!

Potato Chips

For another quick snack option, potato chips are another great way to enjoy your brick oven! Just make sure to clean up afterwards as this option can leave more room for salt and other seasonings to fall off around the oven when compared to other food!

If you're looking to upgrade your outdoor living area and firepit this year, it's time to check out Round Grove Products this Summer! We're sure that you'll find the perfect use for your oven or fireplace!


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