Brick Oven Care

Our Fiesta Combo Unit Family (unfinished)

Having a brick oven is a lot of fun, but it is also an investment. Like anything you spend your hard-earned money on, you want it to last! Round Grove Products makes fantastic, durable brick ovens, but there is some maintenance that will help it stay in great condition so that you can use it for decades.

1. Keep it Clean

As you use your oven, ashes will accumulate. A quick sweep after each time you use it will be good for a while, but when there are a lot of ashes in the hard to reach spaces, it's time to get out the shop-vac. Vacuum out the tough spots and don't worry about eating ashy food!

2. We have the Cure

Maybe you didn't know this, but you should "cure" your oven before using it! Why? Well, there is always a bit of moisture that is trapped during the construction process. If left alone, when you go to use it, the moisture becomes steam and that steam can expand and crack and damage the masonry. Before you use it the first time, and afterward before your seasonal first use, you need to cure the oven.

Here’s the recommended day-by-day process of curing your oven:
  • Day One: Heat your oven to 140 °F / 60 °C for 4-5 hours.
  • Day Two: Repeat at 215 °F / 100 °C for 4-5 hours.
  • Day Three: Repeat at 300 °F / 150 °C for 4-5 hours.
  • Day Four: Repeat at 400 °F / 200 °C for 4-5 hours.
  • Day Five: Repeat at 480 °F / 250 °C for 4-5 hours.
3. Chimney Sweep

If you have a fireplace in your home, you know this one. You should inspect and clean the chimney of your brick oven at least annually. If you use it only during the warmer months, you never know what (or who!) might be in there, so make sure to do a thorough check and sweep. Buildup can be bad for your oven, and you starting up a fire under a squirrel or bird nest could be bad for them!

When you are looking for the best quality in outdoor pizza ovens, fireplaces, or combination units, look no further than Round Grove Products. They can make your dreams come true.


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